Random Wogslands

Well, Wogsland.org has finally made it to the top of Google's search results and to celebrate, I've compiled this list of random Wogslands I've found using websearches:

Chelsea Wogsland (front row, second from the left)- currently at University of Massachusetts Medical School

Dan Wogsland - former Democratic majority leader in the North Dakota Senate recently in the news.

Lori Wogsland

Melissa Wogsland

Tom Wogsland - Seen here (back left) with the rest of the Missoula Brass Quartet.

These are just a few of the thousands of links available about the few hundred Wogslands living in the US today. Who are these mysterious people? Hopefully one day we will find out...

about Brad Wogsland

This page last modified: 31 July 2006 by Bradley James Wogsland.