First, the basicsIarocci tubes are basically single wire drift chambers often used in the outer layers of large detectors to detect muons. The tubes are usually run in streamer mode, which allows for a wide & noiseless HV efficiency plateau for wire diameters in the range 40-220 μm and tube diameters in the mm to cm range. Streamer mode is in between the proportional and Geiger-Mueller modes.
How LSTs Work
Enzo Iarocci |
E802 γγ2 MACRO Mount Blanc Detector OPAL PHENIX |
RD94 SLD UA1 WA80 ZEUS Back to basics |
DM2 (1977 - 198?)
Ran in streamer mode (which they called limited Geiger mode). The bitube modules contained tubes with dimensions 16mm X 16mm X 3m and aluminum wires.
B. Grelaud et al, LAL-78/25 (1978).
γγ2 (1978)
200 PVC tubes formed the inner detector of the γγ2 experiment at the Frascati storage ring in Adone. The tubes were 17mm in diameter and 1m long. A 70% argon, 30% isobutane gas mixture was used.
G. Battistoni et al, NIM 152, 423 (1978).
G. Battistoni et al, NIM 164, 57 (1978).
CHARM (1979 - 198?)
20,000 1cm2 aluminum tubes in the original version.
CHARM II contained 154,560 tubes.
M. Jonker et al, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 215, 361 (1983).
"Large-Series of Limited Streamer Tubes," M. Caria et al., NIM A260, 368 (1987).
UA1 (1981 - 1993)
Ran in streamer mode.
Used LeCroy electronics.
Mount Blanc Detector (1982 - ?)
~50,000 plastic streamer tubes (PSTs) for a total area of 3400m2. Made from PVC in 8 tube structures. Used a 1:3 argon:isobutane mixture inside the tubes.
G. Battistoni et al, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 176, 297 (1980).
"Plastic Streamer Tubes and their Applications in High Energy Physics," E. Iarocci, NIM A217, 30 (1983).
WA80 (1983 - ?)
Ran in streamer mode in the plateau from 4600V to 4900V.
Gas mixture Ar:isobutane was 1:2.4 in the tubes.
Used pad readout with 40,000+ pads.
In 1985 and 1986, E802 and WA80 had concerns about hit-rate effects with Iarocci tubes. E802 chose proportional mode and WA80 chose streamer mode. WA80 had no troubles in 1987 or 1988.
The WA80 pads were as small as 1.5 cm x 2 cm. The electronics was yes/no and consisted of a discriminator, latch, and a one-shot. WA80 experienced currents of 2 to 3 uA per tube during a spill. This lead to current draws of 60 uA or more for groups of 24 tubes sharing a single CAEN HV channel. The WA80 tubes ran at a lower rate than the E802 tubes (in 1992 at least).
R. Albrecht et al., NIM A276, 131 (1989).
CLEO (1986 - present)
Ran in proportional mode.
"A muon identification detector for B-physics near
e+e- -> BBbar threshold," D. Bortoletto et al., NIM A320, 114 (1992).
ALEPH (1989 - 2000)
Ran in streamer mode.
DELPHI (1989 - 2000)
The detector included 19000 8-fold modules with a cross section of 0.9cm X 0.9cm and lengths ranging from 0.4m to 4.1m. Their initial mortality was about 1%.
"The Performance of the Limited Streamer Drift Tubes,"M. Baubillier et al., NIM A217, 205 (1983).
"Studies of stability and systematics of
operation of the DELPHI plastic tubes," G. D. Alexeev et al., NIM A292, 551 (1990).
Extruded Noryl tubes (not PVC) ran in streamer mode. The 6700 8-fold modules had a 0.9cm X 0.9cm cross section and lengths ranging from 3.0m to 7.3m. Their failure rate was about 6% over the span of 10 years. They used a very detailed testing procedure.
"Production and Testing of Limited Streamer
Tubes for the End-Cap Muon Subdetector of OPAL," G.T.J. Arnison et al., NIM A294, 431 (1990).
"The OPAL Muon Barrel Detector," R.J. Akers et al., NIM A357, 253 (1995)
ZEUS (1989 - present)
Streamer mode with invididual wire readout.
The operating voltage is
about 4.6 kV. A typical signal is 30 pC. The gas is
Ar(3%)+Isobutane(8%)+C02(89%). They were not allowed to use
Iso(75%)+Ar(25%) which is explosive. The maximum drift time interval
is 100 ns. (The HERA bunch crossing time is 96 ns. The ZEUS level-1
trigger latency is 5 us.) They electrically OR tubes staggered by
one-half of a cell. The tubes are extruded Noryl (not PVC) because of
safety regulations. (Note that PVC is cheaper and easier to extrude.)
The tubes are arranged in supertubes which are glued to a honeycomb with
Aerodyte. This allows a streamer tube to slide in or out of the supertube
for replacement. All wires are oriented parallel to the beam.
The ZEUS inner barrel gets background from the uranium. The outer barrel (which has 11 m long tubes) has a very low "dark current." To reduce the gas flow impedance of a tube, they maximized the inlet hole in the endcap plug. (Requiring an external injection-molded plastic threaded mating gas connector.) They typically connect twenty 11 m tubes serially with two gas volume exchanges per day.
They run at 4.6 kV (from a modified CAEN supply), follow atmospheric pressure, and have active gain monitoring. The HV distribution connects 30 tubes to one HV channel; however, they can readout the current for and turn on/off individual tubes. They use eight HV decoupling capacitors per tube (this is a "weak point") and automatically invoke current limiting by dropping the HV if the current on a tube exceeds 1 uA (for over 2 hours). The HV is reduced to 2 kV during injection. A "good" dark current is considered to be 50 nA or less per wire. They note that longevity could be an issue for a high rate experiment.
They use very low resistivity tubes and took care to keep the profiles very clean during assembly. The electronic connector cards were made in Padua. A card-edge connector plugs in to the LST endcap. A 30 cm cable connects that card to the electronic board. Differing cable lengths are compensated for by choice of capacitor values.
The overall tube mortality has been 9% for the inner, outer, and rear tubes since 1989. Most of the failure was experienced in the early years with a settling down of the rate. Note that the automatic current-limiting system was not installed until 1993 and is attributed with playing a significant role in safeguarding the tube longevity.
Year | BMUI (708, 7.47m) | BMUO (1502, 10.12m) | RMUI (480, 3.40m) | RMUO (704, 4.60m) | Total (3394) |
1994 | 78 (11.0%) | 58 (3.9%) | 41 (8.5%) | 23 (3.3%) | 201 (5.9%) |
1996 | 78 (11.0%) | 58 (3.9%) | 42 (8.8%) | 23 (3.3%) | 202 (6.0%) |
1997 | 79 (11.2%) | 58 (3.9%) | 45 (9.4%) | 33 (4.7%) | 216 (6.4%) |
1999 | 86 (12.1%) | 67 (4.5%) | 52 (10.8%) | 41 (5.8%) | 246 (7.2%) |
2000 | 95 (13.4%) | 71 (4.7%) | 55 (11.5%) | 41 (5.8%) | 262 (7.7%) |
"The Zeus Barrel and Rear Muon Detector," G. Abbiendi et al., NIM A333, 342 (1993).
The detector included 10000 8-fold modules with a 0.9cm by 0.9cm cell cross section and lengths varying from 1.9 to 8.6m. The tubes were connected serially
for gas flow in daisy-chains up to 43 tubes long. The inlet
pressure was about 1.4" H20 and the outlet pressure was about 0.15" H20. The SLD also used a 3:1 isobutane:Ar mixture.
Failure rate after 10 years:
"Experience with Iarocci Tubes Produced on a Large Scale,"
Wit Busza, NIM A265, 210 (1988).
C. Brown et al., NIM A279, 331 (1989).
Chose proportional mode partly because at the time WA80 had
experienced some difficulties operating in streamer mode. E802 was
concerned about possible dead time. Thus, proportional mode was
chosen out of caution and not because streamer mode was known to be
unworkable at the AGS. E802 used pad readout with preamps for the
pads. The tubes operated at 1900 V. The tubes were extruded
conductive plastic tubes manufactured in Japan. The gas was
Ar(60%)+Iso(40%). The tube cross section was 1 cm x 1.5 cm. The pad
sizes were 7 mm x 2 to 3 cm, 3 cm x 4 cm, and 4 cm x 6 cm. The
coverage was from 5 degrees to 45 degrees from the beam line (around a
pseodorapidity of 3). The occupancy was 5% per pad. A particle going
down the length of a tube could create a current of 1 uA in a wire.
They used a LeCroy streamer tube readout system (from Tunnel).
There was a preamp, discriminator, and one-shot for each pad.
There were two chanels per chip.
The preamp was a grounded-base basically charge-sensitive design.
The input signal was about 2 mV and the output was 70 to 80 mV.
The discriminator was leading edge. [As an aside, during assembly
the electronics all appeared to behaving fine up to a point.
Once the full detector was loaded with electronics, they experienced
oscillations due to inductive coupling. The problem was subsequently
[Note that E871, a rare kaon decay experiment,
(Kane, Molson, Walecka, Wojicki, Ritchie, ...) in AGS B5 line
uses long aluminum proportional tubes with a trapezoidal
cross section.]
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SLD (1992 - 1998)
SLD's warm iron calorimeter & moun detector (WIC) ran in streamer mode. The tubes and wire electronics were manufactured in Italy while the readout electronics were done by MIT. Operations were overseen by U. Wisconsin.
"The Front End Electronics and the Fastbus Readout Module for
the SLD Limited Streamer Tubes," F. Beconcini et al., NIM A277,
222 (1989).
"The Limited Streamer Tubes of the SLD," A.C. Benvenuti et al., NIM A290, 353 (1990).
RD94 (1994)
Ran in streamer mode.
An ORNL/Univ. Tennessee/Georgia State test-beam
experiment that ran in the AGS B2 line at BNL in summer 1994.
Used 2 m long streamer tubes manufactured by Hodotector, Inc. (Texas).
PHENIX (1996 - Present)
Muon Identifier Homepage
The detector includes 1400 8-fold modules with a cross section of 0.9cm X 0.9cm and lengths varying from 2.5m to 5.2m. Only 26 wires (of over 56,000) dead in 4 years for the south muon arm. They also have a stringent QA procedure.
BaBar (2004 - present)
BaBar's LST Page
BaBar used LSTs as a replacement for broken Resistive Plate Chambers in the instrumented flux return of their detector. They were used to identify muons and KLs.
D0 (19?? - present)
The SAMUS detector ran in proportional mode.
The forward
muon detectors consist of Iarocci tubes (1 cm x 1 cm x 8 channels
plastic extrusion) with 50 micron anode wires up to 5 m long.
The surface resistivity of the cathode paint is 1 kOhm/square.
A fast gas is used Ar(80%) + CF4(10%) + CH4(10%) providing a maximum
electron drift time interval of 60 ns.
Y. M. Antipov et al., NIM A297, 121 (1990).
S. Abachi et al., NIM A338, 185 (1994).
E802 (19?? - ?)
Ran in proportional mode with 1.5 m long plastic tubes and 50 micron anode wires.
MACRO (19?? - 20??)
MACRO page at Gran Sasso
Used tubes in streamer mode. The detector included 6000 8-fold modules 12m in length with a cross section of 2.9cm X 2.7cm. Their infant mortality was 0.03% and thereafter only 6 out of 49,536 wires disconnected per year.
Last ∆ was 26 February 2007 by
Brad Wogsland, and copyright © 2006 by the same.