Mmmm...standard model physics. The Standard Model is the name for our current level of understanding about the smallest components of matter. Particles are divided into Fermions (quarks and leptons) and Bosons ("force-particles" like the photon). Below are some HEP topics:
Some history... (under construction)
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
The six quarks (plus their antiparticles) represent the other half of the fundamental fermions. All fermions interact through the electroweak force, but only quarks interact through the strong force. QCD is a partially-complete model of strong interactions. Quarks bind strongly into quark-antiquark pairs (mesons), quark or antiquark threesomes (baryons), and "molecules" (atomic nuclei).
(under construction)
A short History of QCD by M. Shifman
Meson Spectroscopy, focussing mainly on new states
There are six leptons (plus their antiparticles) in the standard model, and three of them are the nearly massless neutrinos.
Neutrino Oscillations for Dummies
What is a Neutrino? - a presentation by yours truly
One of the critical problems in HEP is how to detect these highly energetic particles, and the only way we've had success with so far is using the electromagnetic force, be it through photons or charges.
BaBar - the B-meson factory at SLAC (subsystems: DIRC, LSTs, RPCs, SVT)
ILC - the International Linear Collider project, still in the R&D stages
Muon Collider - a better, if more difficult and therefore less popular, next generation high energy collider idea
LHC - the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
LIGO - a graviton detector in Louisiana and Washington
Cherenkov Detectors
Iarocci Tubes
Detector Techniques Lectures at SLAC
General High Energy Physics Links
Particle Data Group (PDG)
Hands on CERN
Physical Review D
Rencontres de Moriond
Related Topics
Accelerator Physics
R. N. Cahn and G. Goldhaber, The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics, 1989. - reprints of many of the original papers (even one in French), but the explanatory sections are rather light. Best read as an ancillary text.
D. Griffiths, Introduction to Elementary Particles, 1987. - pure excellence. Starting from nothing this book builds up particle physics without skimping on the mathematics. Muchas problemas.
D. H. Perkins, Introduction to High Energy Physics, 1999. - I'll tell you when I finish it...
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