Kari Torbjornsdotter

1721 - 1792

Kari Torbjornsdotter was born in Norway in 1721. She married Nottolf Larsson of Vaagsland, and mothered their 8 children. She lived as a farmer's wife and died in 1792.


Torbjorn Halvorson 1682 - 1753
Helge Einertsdotter 1706 - 1766


Olav Nottolfson 1757 - ????
Torbjorn Nottolfson ???? - ????
Lars Nottolfson ???? - ????
Jorgen Nottolfson ???? - ????
Simon Nottolfson ???? - ????
Dordi Nottolfsdotter ???? - ????
Kari Nottolfsdotter 1761 - ????
Helge Nottolfsdotter ???? - ????


1. Sannes, Olav Drangedal Med Tordal
2. Neal Wogsland

Last Modified: 18 July 2004 by Bradley James Wogsland.